Fallout 4 Leaked Intro (Cinematics)


Although we're still many hours away from the official release, lots of people got their hands on Fallout 4 already. And one of them leaked the intro video on YouTube. Is it up to our expectations? Hell yeah! Enjoy the Fallout 4 leaked intro and share it with your friends because, who knows how long it will stay up before Bethesda drops the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice. See you after the video...

How was it? Pretty cool, ay? The Fallout 4 leaked intro brought tears to my eyes, I'm not lying to you. Warmed my heart and gave me the chills. The video doesn't really spoil anything, unless you don't want to know anything before playing the actual game, of course.


Loved the Fallout 4 leaked intro? Leave your thoughts on our Fallout group on Facebook. Only one day left. Can't wait to play it!

Tags: fallout 4 leaked intro, fallout 4 leaked, leaked fallout 4

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